Prep School Enrichment

At Heathside, we are proud to teach children differently and offer the children in our care a whole host of enrichment activities to support their emotional, physical and educational development.


The Heath is one of our most cherished teachers, and our children spend as much time there as possible. Heathtime gives our pupils an opportunity to play with other year groups, spend time enjoying nature and importantly be children.

Forest School forms an important part of our curriculum and it’s during Heathtime we truly see our pupils independently put their learning into practice.

Supporting one another

We are one school community, so supporting one another comes to us quite naturally. Across year groups we are always looking for ways to support one another, whether it’s during Heathtime, buddy reading or having a leadership role across the school.


Named after three Hampstead residents – Freud, Harrison, Robeson – our school houses offer the perfect opportunity to build community and support each other.


We regularly take trips to the Heath, building respect for the natural world around us. When we aren’t in school or out enjoying Heathtime, we also take trips further afield to bring our learning to life around London.